Senior co-captain Alicia Almond reflects on a recent outing by the team to the Black Swamp Arts Festival. The team volunteers time each year at the event as part of our support to the BG community. (Read on to hear more about the event from Alicia!)
"Helping out with the local Black Swamp Arts Festival has become an event over the past few years that our team looks forward to volunteering for annually. We all enjoy giving back to the community to show our appreciation for the support that we have been given. This year was especally enjoyable because a majority of the team was assigned to the tye-dying station where we got to be hands on with kids of all ages. There was a group of girls twisting and tying rubber-bands around the t-shirts, pillow cases, and bandanas, another group was putting tye dye on the items, other girls were bagging the shirts with instructions, and others were "runners" (refilling dye bottles and running back and forth between the tables). Even though the day was filled with scattered showers, there was never a dull moment. The community kept us busy throughout the day, meanwhile, allowing us to show off our creative side for a change. I, personally, was one of the dyers, and it was soooooo much fun! Even though I got a little messy dying my fingers and some of my sweatshirt it was worth every once of color that I took home with me".
Check back often to see what new adventures the BGSU Women's Soccer team takes part in next!
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